Academic year dates in Australia

The academic year in Australia varies depending on the type of study you are undertaking.

Many institutions also offer a mid-year, or second semester start. Start dates and the number of semesters vary by course and institution, so please check directly on your institution’s website for details.

Below is a general guide on the academic year for the different levels of study in Australia:


Length - 13 years in total (Kindergarten/Preparatory to Year 12)
Semesters - 4 (usually called terms')
Starts - Late January/early February

Length - From 5 weeks to 1 year
Semesters - The year is split into weeks
Starts - Throughout the year

Length - 1 year
Semesters - The semester breaks will depend on your course
Starts - February but can vary by course and institutions
Vocational Education and Training

Length - 1 to 4 years
Semesters - Two
Starts - February, but can vary by course and institutions

Length - Typically 3 years (4 years for honours degree)
Semesters - Two, although some institutions offer three semesters (trimesters)
Starts - Typically March, but can vary by course and institution

Length - 1 to 2 years
Semesters - Two, although some institutions offer three semesters (trimesters)
Starts - Typically March, but can vary by course and institution

Length - 3 years
Semesters - As most doctoral candidates do not attend class, there are usually no formal semester
Starts - Your start date will be negotiated with your supervisor