Transfer institute or course

There are a number of things to organise and check before you make the decision to change either your course of study or your institution. You should first ask your student support services on campus or other advisors for help and advice. And make sure that you first check your student visa requirements and ensure you follow the correct procedures to maintain your visa. Don’t assume that the advice you get from friends, fellow students or education agents is correct. And you should also make sure you keep a copy of your course cancellation and enrolment paperwork.

Remember, if you change your institution or course at any time you must contact the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) (opens in a new window) and provide an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) certificate from your new institution.

Changing your course

If you want to change to a new course at the same institution you are currently studying and at the same level of qualification, you do not need to apply for a new student visa unless your current visa is about to expire.

Changing your level of qualification

If you want to change your level of qualification, for example from a Diploma to a Bachelor Degree, you may need to apply for a new student visa because your visa subclass may change. You should visit the DIBP (opens in a new window) website to find out more information.

Changing your institution

If you are thinking of moving to a different institution you need to speak with your current institution for information on doing this. In most circumstances the new institution will be restricted from enrolling you if you have not completed 6 months of the main course of study (at your current institution) for which your visa was granted.

If you want to change institutions before completing the first six months of your main course of study you must contact your current institution for permission. You will require a letter of offer from the new institution in order to apply for a letter of release from your current institution.